I hoped things would pick up after the holiday weekend and it looks like they have. Here are some great job listings:

-- In addition to the job listings here, I'm also looking for some guest bloggers to make occasional posts on my new travel blog. I want guest bloggers from different areas around the country to post about their area and to answer traveler's questions about that area. If you're interested, send a brief paragraph about your writing experience and the area where you're located. Use the "Click Here" to contact me button located on the upper right-hand section of this page to submit your information. Please don't submit any attachments.--

Bright Hub seeking writers

Clement Communications looking for freelance writers for assignments

Web site copywriters wanted

Freelance writer to cover books and authors

Press release writer

Writers and bloggers for tech website

Writers for various assignments

Write magazine articles

Write and design newsletter

Write technology reviews

Business news editor

Fitness blogger

Sports bloggers

Contributors for online parenting magazine

Write kids wiki posts

Write a bio

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